Modes of Forest Orientation and Forms of Knowing (Entender) in the Commercial Extrativism of Brazil Nuts Among Quilombolas in Alto Trombetas, Oriximiná/PA, Brazil




Knowledge, Amazon, Guidance, Quilombolas, Nature


Brazil nuts extractivism has been the main commercial activity for the Quilombola communities of Alto Trombetas, from its arrival in the region, in the beginning of the 19th century, until today. Brazil nut trees within Quilombola territories are today communal property, and to avoid competition extractivists are very careful with the transmission of their knowledge, while often attempting to keep a specific fragment of the forest for their own use. Underlying their efforts at exclusivity (of parts of the forest and their knowledge), the local concept of entender (knowing or to know) becomes pivotal. Built upon the daily experiences of long-term commercial extractivists, and often very localized, ‘knowing’ a Brazil nut forest is associated not only with this activity, but also with others, essential to surviving such as hunting, fishing, gathering and orienting oneself in these environments. The article explores ethnographically some of the abilities necessary for Brazil nut extrativism in the Quilombola territories, particularly the ways of orienting oneself in the forest, and seeks to demonstrate how entender is produced and constantly renewed.


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Author Biography

  • Igor Alexandre Badolato Scaramuzzi, Universidade Estadual de Campinas
    Igor Alexandre Badolato Scaramuzzi é doutor em Antropologia Social pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas, desenvolvendo pesquisa sobre o extrativismo da castanha do Pará com ênfase nas relações e na produção e transmissão de conheci- mentos sobre a Natureza na região do Alto Trombetas/Oriximiná/ Pará.


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How to Cite

Scaramuzzi, I. A. B. (2020). Modes of Forest Orientation and Forms of Knowing (Entender) in the Commercial Extrativism of Brazil Nuts Among Quilombolas in Alto Trombetas, Oriximiná/PA, Brazil. Revista De Antropologia, 63(1), 143-163.