Books and Dabucuris. Continuities and Transformations in the Ways of Updating Differences Between the Desana Groups of the Upper Rio Negro




Narradores indígenas do Rio Negro, Dabucuri, Desana, Circulation of knowledge, Books


The systematic work of indigenous narrators in the Northwest Amazon had its main proponent the collection Narradores Indígenas do Rio Negro. The publication of this collection is part of a political economy of knowledge which works within a hierarchical model of social relations and the production of differences. The purpose of this article is to present the resonances found between the publication of books that make up the Narradores collection and the feast of dabucuri. This type of analysis involves ascertaining how the content of the mythical narratives and the very materiality of the book are used to update the differences among the hierarchical Desana groups.


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Author Biography

  • Samir Ricardo Figalli de Angelo, Universidade de São Paulo. Centro de Estudos Ameríndios
    Samir Ricardo Figalli de Angelo Doutor em Antropologia Social pela Universidade de São Paulo com interesse nas intersecções entre xamanismo, bioética e direitos intelectuais. Essa pesquisa foi realizada graças ao apoio da Capes.


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How to Cite

Angelo, S. R. F. de. (2020). Books and Dabucuris. Continuities and Transformations in the Ways of Updating Differences Between the Desana Groups of the Upper Rio Negro. Revista De Antropologia, 63(1), 83-104.