"Does she know how to eat?" Food, construction of the person and ethnic-social relations in the Andes of Conchucos, Peru





Andes, food, relationships, ethnicity, person


In the peasant communities of the Huari province, Ancash, Peru, the food dishes, the main ingredients, and the way of cooking and preparing them, shape a semiotic system that enunciates a social hierarchy based on ethnic categories. What the persons eat and where the food comes from, as well what they offer in collective banquets, convey their ethnic-social identity. Likewise, the ethnic categories are inscribed in the regional space, the place of origin tracks ethnic identity, according to dynamics that also unfold at a national level and that are rooted on historical processes. However, these dynamics can be fluid and mobile, producing spaces for negotiations of new ethno-social positions.


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Author Biography

  • Sofia Venturoli, Università di Torino. Torino, Italia

    Sofia Venturoli es maestra en Social Anthropology and Amerindian Studies, en la University of St. Andrews y doctora en antropología en la Università di Bologna, es investigadora y profesora en la Università di Torino. Entre sus publicaciones: Los hijos de Huari: etnografía y etnohistoria de tres pueblos de la sierra de Ancash, Perú (2011). Geografia, razza e territorio. Agostino Codazzi e la Commissione Corografica in Colombia (Morelli - Venturoli 2021).


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How to Cite

Venturoli, S. . (2022). "Does she know how to eat?" Food, construction of the person and ethnic-social relations in the Andes of Conchucos, Peru. Revista De Antropologia, 65(1), e192793. https://doi.org/10.11606/1678-9857.ra.2022.192793