The switch of the thread and the misplacement of the double: dream and wakefulness among the Ye'kwana of the Auaris River




Amerindian ethnology, Ye’kwana, dream, personhood, Amerindian cosmopraxis


The article deals with reflections of the Ye'kwana (Auaris River) on dream experiences and their effects in wakefulness. The dream is a temporary departure from the double in relation to the person (body), it is an expression of the paths and misplacements of the double in other worlds. The Ye'kwana say that ordinary people do not dream well, because when sleeping their doubles walk through places where the encounter with dangerous beings is common. Unlike the shamans, ordinary people do not control the paths of their doubles during the dream. In addition to bringing up histories wätunnä about the origin of the death, the discontinuity between dream and wakefulness and the sleep, the article analyzes central concepts for the understanding of the ye’kwana personhood – double and thread of the double - and addresses the native onirocritic, a speculative reflection and praxis involved with the possible futures prefigured in dreams.


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Author Biography

  • Majoí Favero Gongora, Universidade de São Paulo

    Majoí Favero Gongora é doutora em Antropologia Social pela Universidade de São Paulo e pesquisadora associada ao Centro de Estudos Ameríndios-USP. Desde 2013, realiza estudos etnográficos sobre cosmologia e artes verbais do povo Ye’kwana e atua em projetos em parceria com a Associação Wanasseduume Ye’kwana (Seduume) e lideranças ye’kwana.


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Dossiê - Novas perspectivas sobre os sonhos ameríndios

How to Cite

Gongora, M. F. (2022). The switch of the thread and the misplacement of the double: dream and wakefulness among the Ye’kwana of the Auaris River. Revista De Antropologia, 65(3), e202291.