Granting the future? The temporality of cash transfers in the South African Countryside



Palabras clave:

Cash transfers, value, distribution, wage work, future, South Africa


In the past five years, anthropologists from the global South have come to consider public cash transfer programs as an alternative to both work-centered policies and national development projects. These studies suggest that grants today go beyond the domain of traditional social policies and government bureaucracy and point to a new future in view of the scarcity of work. This future has become even closer with the pandemic of COVID-19, and with governments, non-governmental entities and the political left reaffirming the importance of a basic universal income. Considering these discussions, my article focuses on an income transfer program in South Africa after the Apartheid period, placing an ethnographic account in relation to the design of a 'progressive' policy of social grants. I present a longer history of salaried work in relation to rural African households and show how the emancipatory promises of cash transfer projects were read as a risk to local traditions and morals. In addition to this reduction in political hopes invested in transfers, I examine the temporal aspect of cash transfers, as well as the possible futures they evoke.  By considering the futures that grants enable, I conclude by suggesting that it is premature to affirm that they have overcome wage work and its attendant sociality.


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Biografía del autor/a

  • Bernard Dubbeld, Stellenbosch University

    Bernard Dubbeld teaches at the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Stellenbosch University in South Africa. He is completing a book manuscript entitled “Unsettled Futures: the paradoxes of the post-apartheid project”.


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Cómo citar

Dubbeld, B. . (2021). Granting the future? The temporality of cash transfers in the South African Countryside. Revista De Antropologia, 64(2), e186648.