Humanity and its gender(s): myth, kinship and difference in the Northwest Amazonia




Northwest Amazonia, Myth, kinship


This article aims to articulate two ethnographic investigations, among the Tukano and Baniwa, that address the relations between kinship and myth. The aim is to understand the production of sociocosmological differences in the Northwest Amazonia from the mythical narratives of the origin of humanity. The analysis will follow the events that unfold from Jurupari, an extraordinary child and ceremonial artifact possessing reproductive capacities; from the snake-canoe, an animal-object-uter that manages humanity; from births in the waterfalls of Hipana and Ipanoré; from adultery with a snake-white man; and from the war between men and women. All these events, characters and relationships, articulate in a complex way transespecificity and cross-sex relationships. At the end, we hope to highlight these two distinct ways in which today's humanity is stabilized from a virtual background of alterity, noting the important tukano and baniwa transformations in the Upper rio Negro.  


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Author Biographies

  • Geraldo Andrello, Universidade Federal de São Carlos. São Carlos, SP, Brasil

    Geraldo Andrello é antropólogo e professor associado no Departamento de Ciências Sociais da Universidade Federal de São Carlos. É pesquisador do LETS (Laboratório de Etnologias Transespecífica), da UFSCar.

  • João Vianna , Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. Vitória, ES, Brasil

    João Vianna é antropólogo, psicólogo e professor adjunto na Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. É pesquisador vice-líder do GAIA: Núcleo de Estudos dos Povos da Terra e pesquisador do Organon - Núcleo de estudo, pesquisa e extensão em mobilizações sociais.


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Dossiê - Entre a mitologia e a etnografia: transformações nas Américas indígenas

How to Cite

Andrello, G., & Vianna , J. (2022). Humanity and its gender(s): myth, kinship and difference in the Northwest Amazonia . Revista De Antropologia, 65(1), e192786.