Do horror artístico: conto de uma festa de Ano Novo


  • Regina Coeli Machado e Silva Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná



anthropology of literature, artistic horror, Rubem Fonseca.


Taking as the object of analysis the outbreak of violence at a party, as it is described in the short story “Happy New Year”, by Rubem Fonseca, I explore some analytical possibilities of Anthropology, focusing the short story as a privileged gender of symbolic condensation and a type of knowledge which reveals meanings that are not immediately noticeable. This allows us to consider this text as belonging to an artistic horror genre,
considering the elements involved in the plot: protagonists’ invasion of a
house during the New Year’s Eve party, causing a violent, scary and “absurd” encounter. The horror is raised not only by the overlapping of inequalities, both social and symbolic, between the opposing groups, but also because it unifies unequals in the excesses lived in the party, exposing the value of life, albeit precarious, in that exceptional situation. Indifferently reaching these colliding groups, this “happy new year” turned out to be a terrifying moment of anguish and apprehension before the “not sacrificing” value of life.


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Author Biography

  • Regina Coeli Machado e Silva, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná
    Doutora em Antropologia Social e professora associada da Universidade Estadual
    do Oeste do Paraná






How to Cite

Silva, R. C. M. e. (2013). Do horror artístico: conto de uma festa de Ano Novo. Revista De Antropologia, 56(1), 391-424.