Outside school activities and environmental studies in history teaching


  • Danilo Eiji Lopes Universidade de São Paulo




environmental studies, xtramural activity the school, teaching of history, history ofeducation, teaching methodology


This article aims to contribute to researches in the field of History Teaching. For this purpose, it proposes to present and reflect about activities that are conducted outside the classroom, especially environmental studies linked to the discipline, performed in school circumstances in São Paulo. To this end, it relies on teaching documents and practices, these, built and inserted in unique school contexts and cultures. It is proposed to briefly present the history of environmental studies (non-exclusive in history), but focusing on the teaching of history, and to highlight the trajectory of the consolidation of the concept which is currently known. At the same time, it suggests reflection on the practice and its defense in teaching curriculum.


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Author Biography

  • Danilo Eiji Lopes, Universidade de São Paulo

    PhD student in Social History at the Universidade de São Paulo



How to Cite

Lopes, D. E. (2019). Outside school activities and environmental studies in history teaching. Revista Angelus Novus, 15, 25-52. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2179-5487.v0i15p25-52