A multicriteria approach for classifying hotels quality


  • André Luís Policani Freitas UENF




hotels, classification, quality, multicriteria, Electre Tri


All over the world, one of the most complex actions concerns in how to evaluate and assign a hotel into a class of performance in a proper and accurate way (the hotels classification problem). These difficulties can be associated to the following aspects: the different categories of hotels, the different classification symbols and the different (and varied) hotel classification standards (or criteria). Specially, the last aspect has been a great obstacle for small and medium hotels classification intentions. In the context that still does not exists an international hotel classification system which is adopted by all countries, this article presents an alternative approach based on the application of one of the most widely used multicriteria method for classification purposes - the Electre Tri method (YU, 1992) - for classifying hotels. In order to investigate the application of this approach, an experiment was conducted for evaluating/classifying the performance of a set of hotels concerning several criteria - the analysis of the results are presented and some conclusions are done.


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Quality & Productivity

How to Cite

A multicriteria approach for classifying hotels quality. (2007). Revista De Administração, 42(3), 338-348. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0080-21072007000300007