Physical education in middle school: development of concepts and health-related physical fitness


  • Marcel Anghinoni CARDOSO Universidade Federal de Pelotas; Escola Superior de Educação Física
  • Flávio Medeiros PEREIRA Universidade Federal de Pelotas; Escola Superior de Educação Física
  • Mariângela da Rosa AFONSO Universidade Federal de Pelotas; Escola Superior de Educação Física
  • Ivon Chagas da ROCHA JUNIOR Universidade Federal de Santa Maria; Centro de Educação Física e Desportos



The aim of this study was to investigate the development of concepts, levels of physical fitness related to health and physical activity patterns provided by the Physical Education (PE) classes. The sample consisted of 40 students (24 boys, 16 girls) high school students. Physical fitness was measured by the sit and reach test, running in 9 minutes and abdominal strength in 1 minute, belonging to the battery of tests PROESP. The knowledge was determined by theoretical test. The physical activity score was estimated by the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). In 30 PE classes the teaching contents were related to the concepts of stretching and gym exercises: Interval fitness and running. There were significant changes in abdominal strength, flexibility and knowledge to both sexes and aerobic endurance for girls, indicating that classes, worked through teaching procedures aimed at health promotion can modify the concepts and health-related physical fitness of high school students.


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Pedagógica e Comportamental

How to Cite

CARDOSO, M. A., PEREIRA, F. M., AFONSO, M. da R., & ROCHA JUNIOR, I. C. da. (2014). Physical education in middle school: development of concepts and health-related physical fitness . Brazilian Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 28(1), 147-161.