Administrative law, democratic guarantee and efficiency: the search for the necessary balance


  • Robertonio Santos Pessoa Universidade Federal do Piauí - UFPI



Dimensions of Administrative Law, Democratic Administrative Law, Managerialism


The article addresses the existing conflicts in administrative law between two of its fundamental dimensions: the legal-guarantee dimension and the managerial dimension. It exposes how the potential arising from the process of constitutionalization of administrative law operated by the Federal Constitution of 1988 were, in part, blocked with the advent of managerialism, which began to guide the administrative debate from the 1990s onwards. It examines how the exacerbation of managerial ideas, from the influx of neoliberal ideology and the advance of a privatization dynamic on public administration, has compromised the balance that should exist between the guarantee and managerial dimensions of administrative law. The approach employed combines a bibliographical study of reference works, especially in the analysis of constitutional theory, with the examination of documents, especially in the part pertaining to managerial reform.


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Author Biography

  • Robertonio Santos Pessoa, Universidade Federal do Piauí - UFPI

    Professor titular da UFPI; mestre em Direito do Trabalho pela USP; doutor em Direito Administrativo pela UFPE; Professor do Programa de Mestrado em Direito da UFPI; Membro da Academia Piauiense de Letras Jurídicas; Procurador da Fazenda Nacional.


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How to Cite

Administrative law, democratic guarantee and efficiency: the search for the necessary balance. (2023). Revista Digital De Direito Administrativo, 10(1), 88-104.