Field chronicles in the Amazon: conflicts, daily life and living stories in Rondônia




Geography, Fieldwork, Central region, Rondônia, Amazon


In geography, fieldwork is for geographers what immersion and ethnography are for anthropologists and sociologists. The text makes a research record, based on our fieldwork that took place in the central region of Rondônia. Starting in Porto Velho, capital of the state, at first, it was traveled for about 500 km by BR-364 – which connects Rondônia to other states (Mato Grosso, Acre, Amazonas) – and by highway 470 – which connects to PIC Ouro Preto, the Margarida Alves, Palmares and Padre Ezequiel settlements and the important Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau indigenous land. At another time, a field visit was made at two unique moments: at the “VII Festa Camponesa”, organized by Via Campesina de Rondônia; and at the agricultural fair “Rondônia Rural Show Internacional”, completing our research record. There are themes dear to geography such as violation of human and territorial rights and conflicts in the countryside in Rondônia, expansion of the livestock (beef cattle) and grain (soybean and corn) agribusiness and invasion of Protected Areas and community territories. Themes of moods and geographic affections are also registered, “exploring” everyday life, living histories, strategies for the social reappropriation of land, territories and nature and the expanded production of life in the Amazon.


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How to Cite

Matos, L. R. de. (2023). Field chronicles in the Amazon: conflicts, daily life and living stories in Rondônia. Revista Do Departamento De Geografia, 43, e221317 .