
Congreso Internacional de Literatura Brasileña


Del 11 al 13 de diciembre de 2024, la Facultad de Filología de la Universidad de Salamanca acoge la cuarta edición del Congreso Internacional de Literatura Brasileña – Colibra, organizado por el CEB en colaboración con la Academia Brasileira de Letras.

En este IV Colibra homenajeamos a Ariano Suassuna (1927-2014), el dramaturgo, poeta y novelista que fundó en Recife el Movimiento Armorial con el que buscaba impulsar las expresiones artísticas de la cultura popular nordestina. Autor de obras teatrales como Uma Mulher Vestida de Sol (1942), Os Homens de Barro (1949), O Castigo da Soberba (1953), O Auto da Compadecida (1955), O casamento suspeitoso u O homem da vaca e o poder da fortuna (1958), en su faceta de novelista compuso A História de amor de Fernando e Isaura, (1956), O Romance d’A Pedra do Reino e o Príncipe do Sangue do Vai-e-Volta (1971) o História d’O Rei Degolado nas caatingas do sertão /Ao sol da Onça Caetana (1976). Como poeta es conocido por O Pasto Incendiado (1945-1970), Ode, (1955) y una antología que se publicó en 1999.  

Invitamos a los estudiosos de la obra de Suassuna a enviar sus comunicaciones sobre el escritor y hacemos un llamamiento general a todos los investigadores en Literatura brasileña a que presenten sus trabajos. 

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Current Issue

Vol. 10 No. 21 (2023): First Semester 2023
					View Vol. 10 No. 21 (2023): First Semester 2023

The Revista de Estudios Brasileños addresses in the dossier of this issue a classic and central theme of current scientific thought: the relationship between Social Sciences studies and Science and Technology studies. In the following pages, a specific but plural aspect is analyzed: the study, from the social sciences, of the performance and content of Science and Technology studies. It is plural because, as highlighted in the introduction to the dossier and reflected in the diversity of the works collected here, the content of the different Social Sciences and the content of what are known as 'pure sciences' is very different.

The History of Science is also that of the incorporation into it of the Social Sciences, which always involve a projection of values of a very different nature onto the reality to be analyzed, which is often the result of research inherent to the experimental sciences. This undoubtedly brings the relationship between experimental sciences and Social Sciences to the forefront, making the subjects of reflection very plural and making it especially interesting to analyze, from the Social Sciences, not only the results of the research of the experimental sciences, but also the reasons that lead them to choose certain research topics and the evaluation of the method employed.

Therefore, the studies in the dossier invite the reader of a Social Sciences journal, such as the Revista de Estudios Brasileños, to reflect on the other sciences, not to consider them as something distant, but on the contrary, as a knowledge connected to their research and their own decisions.

Published: 2023-11-03

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