O teatro, lugar onde se escuta: Entrevista com Marie-Madeleine Mervant-Roux





teatro, entrevista


Marie-Madeleine Mervant-Roux is Emeritus Research Director at the CNRS (INSHS, National Institute of Human and Social Sciences), attached to the ARIAS Laboratory (Research Workshop on Intermediality and Performing Arts) at THALIM Research Unit. Over the last fifteen years, she has been interested in the sound dimensions of Western theater, a subject that has been little studied and is of great interest for this dossier, insofar as it lays bare the listening regimes of different periods and proposes a sound history of theater. In this interview, the researcher retraces her academic trajectory and tells how her interest in the sound of theater arose, resulting from a sudden awareness of the deafness of Theatre Studies. She also reveals the importance of the history and historicization of sound in her research path, highlighting her team's efforts to bring together Francophone and Anglophone sound studies, marked by important epistemological and methodological differences.

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Author Biography

  • Virgínia de Almeida Bessa, Universidade de São Paulo

    Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Department of History at FFLCH-USP, with a PDS-CNPq grant. Collaborating Researcher at the Institute of Arts at Unicamp, accredited in the Music Post-Graduate Program of the same institution. Researcher at the Center for Global Studies at the Open University, in the Literature, Humanism and Cosmopolitanism line.





History and Sound Cultures Dossier

How to Cite

BESSA, Virgínia de Almeida. O teatro, lugar onde se escuta: Entrevista com Marie-Madeleine Mervant-Roux. Revista de História, São Paulo, n. 182, p. 1–11, 2023. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2316-9141.rh.2023.212560. Disponível em: https://revistas.usp.br/revhistoria/article/view/212560.. Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.

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