




Contemporary photography, Photography and fiction, Visual narratives, Summer solstice, Night of Saint John, Barcelona


A city is constituted as a territory in expansion, whose parts are interwoven by countless layers, paths and a multiply of relationships among the bodies that cross it, occupy it and reconfigure it. With all this motion, the streets appear as roads that allow to transit in time and join cultural elements from different origins and circumstances. This can be manifested by popular festivals whose traditions are passed down through generations. In Barcelona, on the summer solstice, for example, it is usually celebrated the night of Saint John. The streets become a stage of improbable meetings: rites and conducts that explore multiple directions of space and time. The present essay shows a visual narrative on the occupation of this territory: a game of innumerable documentary and fictional potentialities of the photographic image.

 […] they say it possible to find more than it can be seen in rites performed. At nightfall, something weird occupies the city streets and manifests a mysterious sonority. The adventure in these streets during these celebrations reveals itself a game of potential paths, encounters, deviations, layers, fusions and combinations. (Guedes, 2017, p. 18, author translation).


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Author Biography

  • Ângelo Dimitre Gomes Guedes, Universidade Nove de Julho

    Doutor em Educação, Arte e História da Cultura, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Professor no Programa de Design, Universidade Nove de Julho, São Paulo, Brasil.

