Images for a life without ticket gates




Profanation, Device, Representation, Discourso, Zero Tariff


The aim of the article is to examine the graphic production and slogans of the Movimento Passe Livre in the promotion of Tarifa Zero, a project launched in 1990 by Mayor Luiza Erundina de Sousa and resumed in the 2000s by members of the movement. The profanation spirit of the municipal bus fare exemption proposal is examined in the visuality and imaginary impact of the chosen pieces, updated in young and accessible language by activists of MPL in the form articulate discourse on the right to the city and to a new collective life.


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Author Biography

  • Márcia Sandoval Gregori, Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo

    PhD in Architecture and Urban Planning at FAU-Mackenzie (2018) and researcher at FAUUSP's Grupo Museu/Patrimônio (GMP), Marcia Gregori is graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from FAUUSP (1992) and has a master's degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the same faculty (2002). Both in her doctoral research, whose theme is urban mobility, and in the GMP, she investigates the dominant and forgotten representations in the urban territory of São Paulo and the constitution of the city's imaginary within the scope of cultural history. Since 2013 she takes part of the Municipal Mobility Working Group of the Rede Butantã where she coordinated discussions on collective transportation and urban mobility in São Paulo and the Butantã region. She works in the Marcia Gregori Architecture and Design office developing jewelry and objects design, architecture projects and interior design. In the master's degree she was a FAPESP fellow and in her doctorate she had a CAPES scholarship.


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