Contrapposto: antithesis as construction of meaning


  • Betty Mirocznik Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo



Hyperreal Society, Simulacrum, Jean Baudrillard, Enigma Image, Bruce Nauman


It is problematized here, the profusion of images that circulate through the media in the hyperreal society. These flat images captured on TV, computer and cell phone screens, simulate reality, being called by Baudrillard, as simulacrum. In this context, it is imperative to produce an image of resistance, which awakens the mystery and the experience in each one - enigma image. For this discussion, the work Contrapposto by Bruce Nauman was chosen.



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How to Cite

Mirocznik, B. (2020). Contrapposto: antithesis as construction of meaning. Revista ARA, 9(9), 11-29.