The impernence of the image in the work of Lais Myrrha


  • Letícia Becker Savastano Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo



Contemporary art, Histriographical art, Image, Narratives, Imaginary


Pointing to the artistic capacity to expand possibilities of imagination and narratives, this essay discusses a series of works made by the contemporary artist Lais Myrrha. The commented works will be Myths of Origin (2012) , Borters Theory (2007), The March of History (2014) , Dictionary of the impossíble (2005), Descontinuity though time (2017), Differences of Calculation (2017). This works was selecteds because they are imagetic expressions that dialogue with the materiality of things at the same time that they exposes the line of reasoning of the artist with the aim of displacing discourses and conceptual elements apparently crystallized as uncontested narratives such as time and the concept of history.


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Fontes eletrônicas e sites

MYRRHA. Lais: Portfólio (2019). Disponível em <> Acesso em 1. Dez.2019

SOMMER. M: Hiato (2019). Disponível em <> Acesso em 3. Jan.2020



How to Cite

Savastano, L. B. (2020). The impernence of the image in the work of Lais Myrrha. Revista ARA, 9(9), 31-50.