Deserted cities, burning forests: Watching 2020 from our armchairs


  • Ana Ottoni Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo



Contemporary photography, Modernist ruins, Anthropocene, Disenchantment


From home we watch the emptied cities by the Covid, and at the same time the symptoms of the climatic catastrophe. Images of deserted streets refer to the melancholy idea of a planet after human. This sensitivity is part of a contemporary taste for ruins and translates into a photographic production that explores neutralityinstead of wonderor impact. I call this approach disenchanted.



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< > Acessado em 20.jun.2019.

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How to Cite

Ottoni, A. (2021). Deserted cities, burning forests: Watching 2020 from our armchairs. Revista ARA, 10(10), 301-336.