From inquiring to creation: the discoveries and the interrelationship with the sonorous from an early childhood


  • Cláudia Jaqueline de Souza Siufi Universidade de São Paulo - USP
  • Silvia Maria Pires Cabrera Berg Universidade de São Paulo



Musical teaching, Education in childhood, Creativity, Sound perception, Early childhood


  This article presents a case study of experience in children's music classes at regular school, involving students between one and five years of age, their interrelationships with the sonorous and the development of creativity. Starting from the concepts of François Delalande regarding exploration and musical creation through sound objects, we identified in this research connections with Walter Howard who also presents studies in this area. We conclude that expanding relationships with sounds from inquiribility, exploration, and research sharpens creativity and opens the way for the development of essential skills throughout childhood.


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Author Biographies

  • Cláudia Jaqueline de Souza Siufi, Universidade de São Paulo - USP

    Master in Music by ECA / USP (2018) Postgraduate degree in Specialization in Music Education by Cândido Mendes University / RJ (2013). Graduated in Pedagogy from the Claretiano University Center of Batatais / SP (2009). Choral Conducting and Vocal Technique - Institute of the Boys Singers of Novo Hamburgo / RS (1998) Singing, popular and classical guitar at the Liceu Musical Palestrina / RS (1990). Finalist in three editions of the Art Award at the Citizen School promoted by the Institute of Art at School, with projects involving musical education in Elementary School and Early Childhood Education. Experience in the area of Music Education in Elementary School and Early Childhood Education since 1996.

  • Silvia Maria Pires Cabrera Berg, Universidade de São Paulo

    Professor of Music Department of FFLCRP-USP, coordinator of LAPECIPEM and Edmar Ferretti's Archive, coordinator of International Academic Exchange with Bornekorakademiet (Denmark) and member of NAP-CIPEM - Music Department of FFCLRP-USP.






How to Cite

Siufi, C. J. de S., & Berg, S. M. P. C. (2017). From inquiring to creation: the discoveries and the interrelationship with the sonorous from an early childhood. Revista Da Tulha, 3(1), 209-218.