Report, de Bruce Conner: contestando Camelot


  • Bruce Jenkins School of the Art Institute of Chicago



Bruce Conner, John F. Kennedy, Assemblage


Once again, as he had been forced to do in making A Movie five years earlier, Bruce Conner began creating his “report” with stock footage and appropriated sound. Report was worked, reworked, and reworked again by Conner for more than three years, and he created eight different versions of the film. As the artist confessed in 1968 at a session devoted to his work at the Robert Flaherty Film Seminar, “I was obsessed... I didn’t want to stop the changes”. It was in the end less a question of getting the film right than of finally accepting the original intention of the project: coming to terms with President Kennedy’s death.

Author Biography

  • Bruce Jenkins, School of the Art Institute of Chicago

    Professor de cinema, vídeo, novas mídias e animação, de história da arte e teoria e crítica na School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC). Foi curador do Harvard Film Archive e diretor de Filme/Vídeo no Walker Art Center. Organizador do livro On the Camera Arts and Consecutive Matters: The Writings of Hollis Frampton (MIT Press, 2009), e autor de Gordon Matta-Clark: Conical Intersect (Afterall, 2011), entre outros.

