Creation and recreation of images at Neferhotep’s chapel


  • Gabriela Alejandra Lovecky Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • María Laura Iamarino Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Elisa Soledad Neira Cordero Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Valeria Cristina Ojeda Universidad de Buenos Aires



Neferhotep, Theban tom, Ritual and funerary practices, Beautiful Feastival of the Valley, Funerary chapel


Located in the Theban necropolis of the nobles at el-Khokha, the tomb of Neferhotep (TT49) dates from Ay’s reign, one of the last kings of the XVIIIth dynasty. Its owner was a functionary of the Temple of Amon at Karnak. The monument is an exponent of post-Amarna tombs and its decoration, structure, iconography, and hieroglyphic inscriptions contribute to understanding the changes undergone during restoration after Amarna’s political and religious reform. This paper discusses interpretations based on updated digital drawings of the four pillars located in the monument’s funerary chapel, following its recent cleaning. For this analysis, different levels of topographical relation, the arrangement and orientation of the pillars, the iconographic themes of each pillar, and the dialogue between their inscriptions were considered. The study also observed the funerary ritual practices and the delivery of divine offerings by the tomb owner during the Beautiful Feastival of the Valley, as these activities were carried out inside the micro-space represented by the tomb and were part of the decorative program aimed at giving offerings to the dead for their eternal renewal.


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Author Biographies

  • Gabriela Alejandra Lovecky, Universidad de Buenos Aires

    Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires.

  • María Laura Iamarino, Universidad de Buenos Aires

    Instituto Multidisciplinario de Historia y Ciencias Humanas (IMHICIHU-Conicet)

  • Elisa Soledad Neira Cordero, Universidad de Buenos Aires

    Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires.

  • Valeria Cristina Ojeda, Universidad de Buenos Aires

    Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires.


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How to Cite

LOVECKY, Gabriela Alejandra; IAMARINO, María Laura; CORDERO, Elisa Soledad Neira; OJEDA, Valeria Cristina. Creation and recreation of images at Neferhotep’s chapel. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia, São Paulo, Brasil, v. 38, p. 91–108, 2022. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2448-1750.revmae.2022.171792. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.