As fundações estaduais de amparo à pesquisa e o desenvolvimento da ciência, tecnologia e inovação no Brasil
scientific production, science, technology, education, innovationAbstract
This article presents the international and national scientific scenario, focusing mainly on the trajectory Brazil has taken throughout the years, and on the perspective that can be inferred from the historical approach outlined. It demonstrates that the country cannot rely solely on the success achieved in the last few years as regards the indicator of indexed scientific production. It needs urgently and hastily to reach a new threshold and become a scientific and technological world power. The most recent success cases are presented in a way to demonstrate that it is possible to enhance national competiveness. To do that, we need to have as a basis a serious and consistent policy aimed at valuating the science-technology-innovation trinomial as one of the pillars to ensure the social and economical sustainable development of the country. Such policy demands, among other elements, the effective participation of the state support research foundations. The article presents recommendations that might point the knots to be untied; and also the devising of a strong and long-lasting policy for the national development.Downloads
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