Censura como meio de política dos afetos e bloqueio da argumentação
censorship, compassion, biopolitics, fear, argumentationAbstract
This text shows why it is crucial we recall today Articles 19 and 27 of the 1948 UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It stresses that reflecting on the meaning of the “right to freedom of opinion and expression” and “the right to take part freely in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to participate in scientific progress” implies reaching back to the very foundations of modern politics, as we will find there both a doctrine and an archive practice and a doctrine and a practice of affective politics, with an emphasis on compassion and fear. It shows how censorship seeks to determine not only what we can and should know, but also with whom we must sympathize, for which and whom we should sacrifice ourselves and of whom we should be afraid.
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