Eleições presidenciais na América Latina em 2018 e ativismo político de evangélicos conservadores
Evangelicals, Brazil, Latin America, presidential election, politicsAbstract
Once viewed as a bulwark of cultural and economic modernity, Protestantism in the beginning of the 20th century led to fundamentalist and Pentecostal schisms which later overreached liberal strands, spread throughout the world and flowed into the new Christian right. In Latin America, where evangelical groups already account for a fifth of the population, they have transformed the religious field, and formed parliamentary caucuses and parties. This article deals briefly with the conservative evangelical political activism in the 2018 presidential elections in Costa Rica, Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico, and Brazil. In defense of “family” and “life”, they fight to conform the legal system to the moral values of the “Christian majority” by undertaking crusades against abortion, egalitarian and anti-homophobic policies, sexual education and a supposed ideological and “gender” indoctrination in schools.
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