Science fiction - brief historical overview


  • Romy Schinzare Rede de Ensino Público Municipal de São Paulo



Science fiction, Science fiction in Brazil


This text is divided into two parts: in Part I we address the origins of science fiction and its international and national historical context, and in Part II we address the works considered relevant to the genre in the international and national scenarios, its themes and subgenres. In each of these parts, there are subdivisions organized as follows: Science fiction: a new literary genre; Historical context of the emergence of science fiction; Science fiction in Brazil (Part I); Works considered relevant on the international scene; Works considered relevant on the national scene; Science fiction themes and subgenres (Part II).


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Author Biography

  • Romy Schinzare, Rede de Ensino Público Municipal de São Paulo

    Professora do ensino público municipal de São Paulo e ficcionista, autora de, entre outros, Apócrifos do futuro (Editora Patuá).


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Dossiê Literatura de Entretenimento

How to Cite

SCHINZARE, Romy. Science fiction - brief historical overview. Revista USP, São Paulo, Brasil, n. 140, p. 39–62, 2024. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2316-9036.i140p39-62. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.