Memória coletiva, trauma e cultura: um debate
social theory, collective memory, social memory, communicative memory, post-memoryAbstract
Studies on memory have increased from the 1980’s, opening an interdisciplinary agenda and theoretical questions. In the last decade, it has been considered a differentiation between everyday and communicative memory, directly formed by social groups, as theorized by the French sociologist Maurice Halbwachs, and cultural memory, which happens through the links between the individual memory and a fixed point. In the latter case, authors such as the German art historian Aby Warburg have been considered. Furthermore, we observe studies on the transmission of traumatic experiences. The North-American author Marianne Hirsch, specialized in comparative literature, coined the term post-memory to characterize the experience of those people who grew up dominated by narratives and silence of those who lived traumatic events. The main purpose of this article is to analyze the theoretical relevance of concepts such as cultural memory and post-memory.
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