The importance of the judiciary photography in expert examinations


  • José Lopes Zarzuela


Laudo Técnico, Perícia Técnica, Fotografia.


Judiciary photography is an important way to survey the place of the fact, and a no less important accessory to illustrate the several types of criminal and medico-legal expert examinations. The variety of modern photograpic techniques give a special color to expert examination reports, showing angles that are hard to describe or that would be misunderstood by lay people in technical areas. With its strict characteristics, judiciary photography shows things exactly as the expert sees them, so realistically as to become, not infrequently, shocking.


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ALMEIDA Jr., A., COSTA Jr., J.B. de O. Lições de medicina legal. 20ª ed. São Paulo : Editora Nacional, 1991.

BRASIL. Leis, Decretos, etc. Código de processo penal. 26ª ed. São Paulo : Saraiva, 1987.

DEL PICCHIA Fº, José, DEL PICCHIA, Celso Mauro Ribeiro. Tratado de documentoscopia: da falsidade documental. São Paulo : Leud, 1976.

KEHDY, Carlos. Manual de locais de crime. In: Coletânea "Acácio Nogueira". 2ª ed. São Paulo, 1959.

MENDES, Lamartine Bizarro. A fotografia judiciária. [S.l.p., s.c.p., s.d.]

O'HARA, Charles E., OSTERBURG, James W. de Janeiro : Fundo de Cultura, 1964.

ZBINDEN, Karl. Criminalística: investigação criminal. Lisboa, 1957.





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How to Cite

The importance of the judiciary photography in expert examinations. (1992). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 87, 253-261.