On the Aesthetics of Law


  • Eduardo José da Fonseca Costa


FDUSP, Estética.


An aesthetic comprehension of the juridical phenomenon is established in the process of History. Brazilian Law and Art's style had near resemblance each other during the predominance of Coffee Barons at the economical order and at the instances of political power. The whole tribe of coffee growers possessed the monopoly of the means of material and intellectual production. On account of it, Law and Art began to give voice to the dominant ideology. But this superstructure became obsolete because of the arrival of Industrial Capitalism. Then Law had to be modified so that it could support the vicissitudes of that brand-new sort of capitalism. Esthetic and Law wouldn't be compatible any longer. Gradually Art would begin to do without manifestations and public. That's why artistical law is ending. That's why art is dying away.


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FAORO, Raimundo. Os donos do poder: formação do patronato político brasileiro. 6ª ed. Porto Alegre : Globo, 1984.

NICOLA, José de. Língua, Literatura e Redação. 8ª ed. São Paulo : Scipione, (v. 1, 2 e 3), 1990.

NUNES, Benedito. Introdução à Filosofia da Arte. São Paulo : DESA (Coleção Buriti, v. 7), 1966.

RADBRUCH, Gustav. Filosofia do Direito (trad. L. Cabral de Moncada). São Paulo: Saraiva, 1934.

REALE, Miguel. Teoria tridimensional do direito: preliminares históricas e sistemáticas. 3ª ed. São Paulo : Saraiva, 1980.





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How to Cite

On the Aesthetics of Law. (1995). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 90, 411-419. https://revistas.usp.br/rfdusp/article/view/67308