The Legal Action for the Recognition of Constitutionality


  • Marco Aurélio Stradiotto de Moraes Ribeiro Sampaio


FDUSP, Ação Declaratória de Constitucionalidade.


The legal action for the statement of constitutionality is a void instrument of our abstract rule control. The objective character of its procedure, according to the Federal Supreme Court, is non-existent, for such an action does paralyze debates relating fundamental legal matters of collective interest. Since such an action presupposes the existence of concrete court decisions recognizing unconstitutionality opposite to the governmental position, the need for the accordance with the due process of law and its attributes, forgotten when that action was created, is clear. Furthermore, its entailing effects take away from the Judiciary Power, in the diffused rule control, the later analysis of real or potential break of rights.


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How to Cite

The Legal Action for the Recognition of Constitutionality. (1995). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 90, 431-437.