The Labor Law and the century XXI
Conglomerados internacionais, Nafta, Mercosul.Abstract
As there are now dose to two years before the beginning of the XXIst C. (2001), there will be sufficient time for adaptation of the Brazilian Labour Law, still marked by the nationalistic corporativism of the thirties, to the demands of globalization, which will become increasingly pronounced as the new era unfolds. The main characteristics of the phenomenon in question, as generally viewed, are the interpenetration of markets, the generic nature of the new information technologies, the accelerated homogenization of consumer tastes, product standards, and production methods on a global scale. In view of such, it may be concluded that instead of people continuing to remain within their nationalistic shells, they must, on the contrary, look towards expansion through participation in international conglomerates. Amongst existing conglomerates, Mercosul comes to the fore, as a result of the Asuncion Treaty, subscribed by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. Within the labour ambit, Mercosul's aim is to achieve harmony of juridical institutions. For many authors such an objective would be reached with the adoption of as many conventions as possible of the ILO, and with the edition of a Social Chart. The author of the article herewith resumed, however, understands that the same objective must be reached not through the conceding of benefits by State entities, but rather through conditions negotiated via collective contracting within a supra national area.Downloads
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How to Cite
The Labor Law and the century XXI. (1999). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 94, 151-162.