The Child Violence Roots and the Psychic damage in the future
Menor, Agressão, Violência, Abuso sexual, Rapto.Abstract
The violence is the destructive aggression that annihilate and disintegrates. Nor all aggressiveness is violence, but all violence is aggressiveness. The aggression and its more distinguished form, the violence, do not make sense to assume with that it appears of the nothing. And is permissible that the just-been born has aggressive impulses, a time the fact of that it cannot penetrate directly in its world of fancy. The understanding of the problem of the aggression and the violence demands that if it considers the Power as basic aspect. Its first level is the Power of the Creature. This Power is not good nor bad.Downloads
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How to Cite
The Child Violence Roots and the Psychic damage in the future. (2001). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 96, 331-346.