In the Name of the People
Representação política, Mandato parlamentar, Partido político, Fidelidade partidária, Povo e massa, Democracia participativa, Instituições representativas.Abstract
The called "political representation", the problem of "mandato"; the ethical imperative of popular representation in the legislative parlaments; the concept of political party; the parties in Brazil; the probleme of party's fidelity; the hints to the party's reform; natural pluralism of the norm's sources, till the discussion "people and mass"; the pression's groups as centers of normative irradiation; the question of taking part democracy as politics wish of the present time, concluding with the necessary constitucional emendation, are the topics discussed in a critical and reflexive tone by the emeritus professor.Downloads
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How to Cite
In the Name of the People. (2002). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 97, 221-237.