Exegese of Ulp . D. 7, 1, 68 pr .-2
Partus ancillae, Sententia Bruti, Usufruct, Sumissio.Abstract
The following text is an example of exegesis of Ulp. D. 7, 1, 68 pr., which deals with two questions. On the one hand, Ulpian asserts that the offspring of a slavewoman given in usufruct belongs to the naked proprietor, whose justification is highly controversial in literature. On the other hand, the famous jurist states that the usufructuary acquires ownership of the livestock offspring. The usufructuary has nonetheless the duty of keeping the livestock and to carry out the so-called summissio. In the end follows a brief comparison of the treatment of these issues between the Roman law and the German Civil Code (BGB).
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