Mapping the history of codification


  • Jean Louis Halpérin École Normale Supérieure de Paris


Mots-clés :

Codification, Civil Code, World-wide spreading of codification, Legislation and nation-states creation, Codification ideals.


Bentham has defended the idea of a general codification as a “map of the law” that could allow the comparison between the laws of different nations. This essay aims to use this relationship about the ideas of codifying the law and mapping the laws to think about the possibility of mapping the history of codification, taking as its point of departure the writing specialized codes - not only the civil codes. Mapping can be a means to deal with the relationships between the countries adopting a code, the opportunity to consider the relationships between the codes and the creation of new States, the national processes of unification, the adoption, the political and social revolutions and ruptures. Also, it will try to make correspondences between these phenomena in order to construct tables that could be represented through future maps.



Biographie de l'auteur

  • Jean Louis Halpérin, École Normale Supérieure de Paris

    Professor no Departamento de Ciências Sociais da École Normale Supérieure de Paris desde 2003. Foi pesquisador e professor em História do Direito pelas universidades de Lyon III (1988-1998) e Bolonha (1998-2003). É membro sênior do Instituto Universitário Francês desde 2013.


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Cem anos de Codificação Civil Brasileira

Comment citer

Mapping the history of codification. (2018). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 112, 485-508.