The Articulation of Leadership with Discourse: how images of politicians are structured




Polítical Psychology, Leadership, Persuasion, Politicas Identity, Political Discourse


The main aim of this article is to analyse how leadership and political discourse work together to influence citizens. From the point of view of political psychology, it is observed that political action in democratic systems requires legitimacy acquired through the consent of the people, which comes from a construction of identity with the power projects of political leaders. In this sense, the leadership itself and the image it projects to the people are fundamental to this construction. The people, who support the political leader in establishing his power project, are characterised by heterogeneous world views. The various social groups that make it up are marked by singular values that each in their own way exert a certain type of political demand, thus creating the need for different political identities. The media have enormous power in this relationship, because when they transmit information, they (re)signify it according to the focus they give it, favouring the emergence of images that contribute to strengthening a certain belief system and, as a result, a certain preference for leadership. The article therefore aims to analyse the leadership process itself, identifying the main variables for its establishment, and the political discourse, which allows a political identity to be established. The identity values of the people and their relationship with the construction of images will also be analysed, together with the role played by the media.


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Author Biography

  • Matheus Barbosa de Oliveira, Office of the Comptroller General

     Graduated in Public Policy Management from the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. He is a Federal Finance and Control Auditor at the Office of the Comptroller General, Brasília, DF, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, M. B. de. (2023). The Articulation of Leadership with Discourse: how images of politicians are structured. Management & Public Policies Journal, 13(2), 266-285.