The Invisible Territory: São Roque "The Children of the White Stone", Praia Grande, SC, Brazil
Territory, Territoriality, Quilombola identity, Political memoryAbstract
This article discusses the territorial and territorial conceptions of the quilombola community São Roque. The geographical coverage of the research is the rural community, formed by descendants of slaves, remnants of São Roque, located in the extreme south of the state of Santa Catarina, bordering the state of Rio Grande do Sul. São Roque is the scenario of the socioenvironmental impasse of the overlapping of lands belonging historically to the Afrodescendant community from the implementation of the National Parks of Aparados da Serra and Serra Geral. The discussion is based on studies developed about the community, its identity, its situated and emerging knowledge, secondary data or metadata, from different approaches on territory and territoriality. The article proposes to give visibility to the quilombola communities, in particular to the São Roque community, in order to broaden the debate about the struggle and the political memory of these populations for the right to the land, besides contributing in the discussions about the Brazilian agrarian processes which are responsible for the invisible territories in relation to the promotion of national public policies
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