Remembering “For” or “on Behalf”of Something. Reflections on the Oolitical Dimensions of Memory




Memory, Politics, Hannah Arendt, State-sponsored violence, Memory policy


Questions about the specifically political dimensions of memory have largely developed in contexts and societies marked by long periods of authoritarianism, war and state-sponsored violence, such as in post-apartheid South Africa, the former Yugoslavia and Latin American countries who lived under military dictatorships in the second half of the 20th century. In such contexts, memory is often seen as a means to achieve the recognition and historical justice claimed by the victims, as well as adequate punishment for perpetrators. Thus, the most diverse mechanisms are put in place, such as Tribunals and Truth Commissions, guided by the common principle that a truly democratic society cannot emerge without there being some kind of “reckoning” with the past, made possible by such policies of memory. This article proposes a discussion about this assumption based on the theoretical framework of Hannah Arendt’s political philosophy, which firmly distinguishes political action from the sphere of fabrication. Politics is, according to the german philosopher, intrinsically linked to equality and freedom, but it is an aspect of the human condition that does not have clearly defined means nor can it be reduced to certain ends to be achieved. Thus, an attempt is made to outline an understanding of the political dimensions of memory that removes the concept from an utilitarian and functional perspective, which can sometimes reduce its deeper meanings to wore-out cliches.


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Author Biography

  • Nina Galvão, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

    Degree in History and Master of Sciences from the Postgraduate Program in Humanities Rights and Other Legitimacies at the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. PhD candidate in Social History at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Galvão, N. (2020). Remembering “For” or “on Behalf”of Something. Reflections on the Oolitical Dimensions of Memory. Management & Public Policies Journal, 10(1), 88-103.