Governmental Management, Political Dispute and Public Opinion: analysis of the production of pandemic content by COVID-19 in news portals

Analysis of the production of pandemic content by Covid-19 in news portals



Government Management. Public opinion. News portals. Content


Within the scope of Government Management, among the various affects experienced by the occurrence of the state of public calamity by SARS-CoV-2, the theme of this study refers to the relationship between Public Management, political dispute, public opinion formation and production of media content on the portals news about the Covid-19 pandemic. The research in relation to the influence of the production of media content in the formation of public opinion puts Government Management in focus to face the crisis generated by the pandemic, whose object of this study concerns the media content of COVID-19 made available in the news portals more accessed in Brazil (, Notí and and to public opinion polls conducted by Datafolha. The main objective of the research is to analyze the power of influence of the media in the public opinion, through the mapping of the content production of the news portals on the pandemic by COVID-19 and of the public opinion polls from March to December 2020 , thus allowing to relate them with the interactions between this dispute and the acts of the federal public management, in order to be able to analyze them qualitatively. As for the methodology, it is a documentary analysis research, of a descriptive, qualitative and exploratory nature. From a universe of 2,859 articles published on the three websites, of which 1,213 are content productions about the pandemic, whose sample consists of 33 news items and, as for public opinion polls, the search on the Datafolha website resulted in 75 opinion polls public actions carried out by the institute around the pandemic. The results obtained point to the reflection of the media discourse in the formation of public opinion, evidencing the influential power of the content production of the mass communication vehicles in public opinion polls, acting as agents that transform the published opinion, directly influencing the construction of the society's point of view on the topic at hand. It can be concluded that, in the news portals, the production of news content illustrates COVID-19's media exposure, whose spectacularization goes far beyond the act of informing, being related to the process of forming public opinion.


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Author Biography

  • Carlo Endrigo Bueno Nunes, Universidade Federal da Paraíba

    Physician from the Federal University of Pelotas, Pelotas, RS, Brazil, Master in Public Management and International Cooperation from the Federal University of Paraíba, PB, Brazil, and doctoral candidate in Public Health at the Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales - Argentina. He is a Medical Colonel in the Brazilian Army, in the Regional Health Section of the 7th Military Region, Recife, PE, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Nunes, C. E. B. . (2022). Governmental Management, Political Dispute and Public Opinion: analysis of the production of pandemic content by COVID-19 in news portals: Analysis of the production of pandemic content by Covid-19 in news portals. Management & Public Policies Journal, 11(2), 223-238.