Leisure and Refugees in the City of São Paulo: a study in theNon-Governmental Organizations Abraço Cultural e Compassiva





Refugees, Leisure, São Paulo, Cultural Estudies, Migratory Policies



This article deals with the lives of refugees whose nationalities are: Syrian, Congolese, Beninense, Bolivian, Ivorian and Cuban in a new society and who have lived in Brazil for some years, seen from the perspective of insertion through leisure. From this, it seeks difficulties to have access to leisure facilities and spaces, difficulty in obtaining information, and outings planned by NGOs (Cultural and Compassionate Embrace) which are two NGOs that work with refugees in the City of São Paulo, and help refugees refugees, settle in the country and, more than that, it provides leisure activities for all of them. The methodology of this work used interviews, and observation in leisure activities with refugees: such as tours in museums in the city of São Paulo, gastronomic workshop at EACH-USP University, and the interviews were applied with six refugees, three from Abraço Cultural, and three from Compassionate.

Among the hypotheses evaluated, two were totally denied and one of them affirmed, the first hypothesis being whether refugees find it difficult to find information about leisure activities offered in the City of São Paulo, this hypothesis was totally denied, as the interviewees said no find difficulties, in the second hypothesis, which was extremely important for the research, is to know if the refugees have already felt unwelcome in the equipment and leisure spaces, and this is a factor that was totally null and could thus have the result that the interviewees never went through this situation, in the last hypothesis, which was in relation to whether refugees feel safe when leisure activities are prepared by Non-Governmental Organizations such as Cultural and Compassionate Embrace, this was fully affirmed in view of the results of the interviews that all refugees feel safer and happier taking the tours with NGOs' s.

Keywords: Refugees. Leisure. Culture. Displacement. Social reintegration.


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Author Biographies

  • Bárbara Cardoso da Costa Santos, The University of São Paulo

    Graduated in Leisure and Tourism; master's student in the Postgraduate Program in Cultural Studies, researcher in the Group of Studies and Research in Political Psychology, Public Policies and Multiculturalism at the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.

  • Madalena Pedroso Aulicino , Universidade de São Paulo. Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades

    Graduated in Social Sciences, Master's and PhD in Communication Sciences from the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. She teaches in the Bachelor's Degree in Leisure and Tourism and in the Postgraduate Program in Cultural Studies at the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities of the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Santos, B. C. da C., & Aulicino , M. P. (2023). Leisure and Refugees in the City of São Paulo: a study in theNon-Governmental Organizations Abraço Cultural e Compassiva. Management & Public Policies Journal, 13(1), 115-131. https://doi.org/10.11606/rgpp.v13i1.190940