Solidarity Between Young People in the Outskirts: a way out to urban neoliberalismo




Youth, Public Policies, Neoliberalism, Peripheries, Work


This article proposes to reflect on the impact of neoliberal public policies in peripheral regions of the city of São Paulo, more especially with regard to young people in the world of work. These are the results of field research, carried out together with collectives and enterprises of young people from the east of São Paulo, in addition to public bodies, between December 2019 and March and September 2020, point out a series of questions: (a) more and more young people intersperse precarious work with unemployment; (b) initiatives by young people who organize themselves collectively to generate income are not so common, whether through some business, some enterprise or some collective (such as those of culture, for example); (c) even though it is not so frequent, there are youth collectives in the periphery that aim to generate income. However, the youth of these collectives have another main source of income, such as some employment or self-employment; (d) in the outskirts of São Paulo, where there is no influence from business foundations, young people refer to values ​​such as solidarity, community and humanitarianism. In neighborhoods where private financing is already a reality, the predominant values ​​are entrepreneurship, social impact businesses and innovation.


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Author Biography

  • Patricia Laczynski, The Feeral University of São Paulo

    Graduated in Business Administration, Master and PhD in Public Administration and Government from Fundação Getúlio Vargas, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. She is currently Professor and Director of the Institute of Cities of the Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Laczynski, P. (2022). Solidarity Between Young People in the Outskirts: a way out to urban neoliberalismo. Management & Public Policies Journal, 12(2), 185-201.