Slow Cities: an experience of contemporaneity




Identity, Liquid Modernity, Slow city


In modernity capitalism is the social order on the rise, the capital emerges to desterritorialize and change the relationship of people and institutions over time, with their identities and with the territory. In a globalized world, cities walk to Homogenization. "Fluidity", speed and instability (traces of a modern liquid society) make social movements appear contrary to this logic and that begin to question their effects on individuals, showing that there is an alternative to a more balanced life and Healthy, slow movement is one of them and among its aspects, the slow cities movement emerges and brings to the reflection the need to rethink life in contemporary cities and the need for humanization and redemption of identities in these spaces.


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Author Biography

  • Eloisa Estrela de Oliveira, Universidade Federal do ABC

    Graduated in the Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Science and Humanities from the Federal University of ABC


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Papers and Essays

How to Cite

Oliveira, E. E. de. (2021). Slow Cities: an experience of contemporaneity. Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 19, 1-9.