Evaluation of road safety by the perception of the French Citizen: study of the main avenues, location in the city of Franca / SP





Accidents, Safety, Traffic


The city chosen for the study was the city of Franca/SP, which drew attention due to the high number of accidents with fatal victims that occurred in 2018: about 39 deaths recorded. One of the main factors, taken as a determining factor for this study, was excessive speed on the roads. Therefore, the study aims to evaluate 7 of the 28 main avenues of the city, namely: Av. Brasil, Av. Chico Júlio, Av. Dr. Alonso y Alonso, Av. Dr. Hélio Palermo, Av. Major Nicácio, Av. Orlando Dompieri and Avenida Presidente Getúlio Vargas. Thus, the assessments of these roads were based on the relationship with road safety through the perception of the citizens of Franca, in order to provide possible mitigating solutions for the development of more optimized, safe and democratic traffic. The methodology was based on the evaluation of the users' perception of the aforementioned avenues, in relation to the traffic safety provided to pedestrians, motorcyclists and drivers, through interviews, whose approach was of a personal and online nature. The results obtained informed that 37% of the interviewees suffered one or more types of accident. According to the literature, 6 types of accidents are pointed out, which in general amounted to 106 occurrences. Avenues Alonso Y Alonso and Brasil were the ones with the highest percentage and number of accidents, both for drivers/motorcyclists and for pedestrians. Overall, the survey found that about 52% of respondents suggested improvements in signage. While about 82% of them pointed out needs to increase awareness of traffic, noting that in this survey respondents could opt for more than one improvement.


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How to Cite

Velazquez, F. L., Suave, L., Simari, T. B., & Coelho, T. de P. P. (2021). Evaluation of road safety by the perception of the French Citizen: study of the main avenues, location in the city of Franca / SP. Risco - Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 19, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.11606/1984-4506.risco.2021.168695