Evaluation of diabetes carriers theoretical knowledge in an interdisciplinary program


  • Henriqueta Galvanin Guidio de AImeida Hospital Universitário de Londrina
  • Olga Chizue Takahashi Hospital Universitário de Londrina
  • Maria do Carmo Lourenço Haddad Hospital Universitário de Londrina
  • Helena Dantas de Menezes Guariente Hospital Universitário de Londrina
  • Maria Leocádia de Oliveira Hospital Universitário de Londrina




diabetes, assessment, interdisciplinary, education, knowledge


Using an instrument of evaluation of theoretical knowledge, the authors have assessed the capacity of understanding and memorizing often groups of diabetes' carriers that were being followed by a multiprofessional team from the ambulatory of the HURNP. The evaluation included the discussion of a variety of subjects which were part of the activities of an Educational Program. Only one group of patients showed a satisfactory performance. Individual analysis showed that young diabetes' carriers, that were motivated and had good level of understanding, had a better performance. It was concluded that the evaluation allows the selection of patients that need specific reinforcement and that a plan of activities can be elaborated according to the tested subjects.


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Original Articles

How to Cite

Evaluation of diabetes carriers theoretical knowledge in an interdisciplinary program. (1995). Revista Latino-Americana De Enfermagem, 3(2), 145-164. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0104-11691995000200011