Effectiveness of the Portuguese version of Fume in adolescents’ health literacy about tobacco





Health Literacy; Mobile Applications; Adolescent; Tobacco; Self Efficacy; Nursing.


Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of the version translated
into European Portuguese of the Fume mobile health game (No
Fume), with regard to the health literacy of adolescents in the
school context on tobacco-related issues. Method: a quantitative
and quasi-experimental study, with pre-test and post-test evaluation,
conducted with a convenience sample of 144 adolescents, divided into
an experimental group and a control group, carried out in two public
schools serving the 2nd and 3rd cycles of elementary education from
a city in the district of Coimbra, central region of Portugal. Results:
among the adolescents who used No Fume (experimental group),
a statistically significant and favorable evolution was verified in the
negative expectations about smoking (p = 0.033). Conclusion:
No Fume revealed a positive effect on the negative expectations
about smoking among the adolescents. Investments should be made
in developing No Fume in order to maximize its potential for use
since, as an educational technology based on gamification, it may
come to contribute to the expansion and dissemination of innovative
interventions that promote adolescents’ mental health.






Original Articles

How to Cite

Effectiveness of the Portuguese version of Fume in adolescents’ health literacy about tobacco. (2022). Revista Latino-Americana De Enfermagem, 30, e3513. https://doi.org/10.1590/1518-8345.5455.3513