Ibero-American Consensus on Communication Skills for Nursing Degree students





Nurse-Patient Relations; Health Communication; Graduate Nursing Education; Learning; Consensus; Delphi Technique.


Objective: as a health care profession focused on caring for
people, Nursing requires sound communication skills. Based on an
international expert consensus, a proposal on learning outcomes in
clinical communication for undergraduate Nursing education curricula
in Spanish speaking countries is presented. Method: a steering
committee, consisting of 5 nurses and experts in communication in
health care sciences, drew up the first list of communication skills
specific to the Nursing degree. Their proposal was reviewed and
improved by a committee of 7 international scientific advisers. 70
experts from 14 countries were selected using a snowball sampling
procedure and invited to participate in a distance modified Delphi
consensus process in two survey rounds. Statistical analysis was
carried out to establish the final consensus level for each item.
Results: a questionnaire with 68 learning outcomes in clinical
communications was submitted for panel assessment. In the first
Delphi round, the panel reached a statistical consensus on all the
items assessed. There was no need for a second round to reconcile
positions. Conclusion: an academic proposal, approved by a high
level of international consensus, is presented to guide and unify
the learning outcomes on the clinical communication curriculum for
undergraduate Nursing studies in Spanish speaking countries.






Original Articles

How to Cite

Ibero-American Consensus on Communication Skills for Nursing Degree students. (2022). Revista Latino-Americana De Enfermagem, 30, e3565. https://doi.org/10.1590/1518-8345.5653.3565