Chronic condition and normality: towards the movement that broadens the power of acting and being happy


  • Solange Pires Salome de Souza Mato Grosso Federal University; College of Nursing
  • Regina Aparecida Garcia de Lima University of São Paulo; Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing



health-disease process, chronic disease


This article is an epistemological-theoretical study of the health-disease process, whose central discussion is the frontier between health-disease and between the normal-abnormal of the person in chronic condition. It emphasizes the importance of the subjective dimension, without denying the objective dimension of this process. It shows that, when considering the objective aspect of the health-disease process, the definition of normality is based on the biological indicators grounded on statistic parameters, which are applied as a reference for all individuals. When considering the subjective aspect of the health-disease process, different normalities appear, as people with chronic conditions deal with daily demands in different ways, since the way they lead their life oscillates between expansion and introspection. Thus, having a chronic condition and being able, active and powerful in life means to be awake, open and always moving, creating new ways of being happy.


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Review Articles

How to Cite

Chronic condition and normality: towards the movement that broadens the power of acting and being happy. (2007). Revista Latino-Americana De Enfermagem, 15(1), 156-164.