Implementation of the clinical simulation laboratory in a medical school in the interior of the Brazilian Northeast: reflections on the process




Medical education, Simulation training, Clinical competence


This experience report aimed to describe and reflect on the process of implementing simulation in the Clinical Skills and Simulation Laboratory of the Multicampi School of Medical Sciences of Rio Grande do Norte (EMCM), as well as to conjecture on its contributions to undergraduate medical education. In this report, the experiences of EMCM students and professors are recalled, and the practice scenarios, human resources, simulators, target audience, simulated practices, and perspectives for the future are described. It is expected that the implementation of the Laboratory of Clinical Simulation Skills will strengthen the process of internalization of medical education and the EMCM’s commitment in the medical education scenario, training doctors with the ability to transform the local reality, improving health indicators and exercising the profession with skill and dedication.


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Papers on Medical Education

How to Cite

Araújo HW de, Santos EGD, Souza GSD de, Baptista VI de A, Carreiro BO, Costa RR de O. Implementation of the clinical simulation laboratory in a medical school in the interior of the Brazilian Northeast: reflections on the process. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) [Internet]. 2021 Oct. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];54(2):e-172935. Available from: