Linguistic validation of the Diabetic foot ulcer scale short form (DFS-SF): a methodological approach
Diabetes mellitus, Diabetic foot, Quality of life, Validation studiesAbstract
Objective: to presenting the linguistic validation of the Diabetic Foot Ulcer Scale Short-Form (DFS-SF) among patients with ulcer diabetic foot (DFU) to Brazilian Portuguese and evaluate its content, practicability and acceptability.
Methods and casuistry: a cross-sectional, methodological research, was conducted among 30 outpatients in follow-up for DF, assessed regarding QoL, sociodemographic and clinical data. International recommendations provided by
the Mapi Research Trust on adaptation procedures were followed: the stages of Forward translation, Backward translation and the Cognitive interview were carried out. The Content Validity Index was calculated and a pre-test were gathered to produce a pre-final version. Practicability and acceptability were also assessed. Results: the semantic, idiomatic, cultural and conceptual equivalences between the linguistic validated and the original version were obtained.
The DFS-SF was practical, well accepted and easy to understand. Conclusion: the linguistic validation process of the Brazilian version of the DFS-SF has been completed in accordance with internationally recommended standards.
The instrument was easy to apply, to understand and presented short time for administration.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Uiara Aline de Oliveira Kaizer, Neusa Maria Costa Alexandre, Maria Helena de Melo Lima, Roberta Cunha Matheus Rodrigues, Marilia Estêvam Cornélio, Thaís Moreira São-João

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