The discovery of Teaching and Learning Plan as a reflexive tool for Faculty members.




Educational planning, Higher education, Health, Faculty, Teacher Training


The educational process experienced by students and University professors must be focused on acquiring knowledge, skills and attitudes relevant to understand the phenomena of life and their application in professional practice. This requires the active and effective participation of the many players involved. In the present investigation, the fundamental value of planning for a quality educational action is emphasized. The implementation of specific pedagogical instruments may favor a better reflection, development and communication of the students' training path. In our university campus At the Ribeirão Preto Medical School, University of São Paulo (FMRP-USP), the instrument used is known as the Teaching and Learning Plan, the “PEA”.In this experience report, its implementation context is presented, the discussions involving the academic community, the training actions to make it a living and powerful resource for teaching, elements that strengthened the teaching in FMRP undergraduate courses. Throughout this article, the reader will learn about the parts that make up the “PEA”, guidelines on how to prepare it, examples produced by teachers and a set of rubrics and criteria that contribute to guide planning in the context of teaching in the health professions.


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2021-08-20 — Updated on 2021-08-23

How to Cite

Flauzino RH, Peres CM, Carmona F. The discovery of Teaching and Learning Plan as a reflexive tool for Faculty members. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 23 [cited 2024 Jul. 29];54(Supl 1):e-184765. Available from: